According Taitteriya Upanishad, our body is made up of five layer or sheaths. They are:
1. Annamaya kosa (Food or physical Body)
2. Pranamaya kosa (Energy Body)
3. Manomaya kosa (Mind body)
4. Vignanamaya kosa (Intellectual or knowledge body)
5. Anandamaya kosa (Bliss body)
Annamaya kosa is physical body which is visible to our eyes. This body survives on the food we eat.
Pranaymaya kosa is made up of three main nadis or channels called Ida, Pingala and Sushumna. Sushumna nadi being at the center, has Ida at its left and Pingala at its right when we observe ourself. From Ida and Pingala both give rise to 72000 nadis; 36000 nadis on the right and 36000 nadis on the left part of the body. Through these nadis prana or life energy flows. Right quantity of prana has to supplied to each cell in Annamaya kosa for good health.
Manomaya kosa is the mind which carries on the functions of perception, memory and emotions. In yoga, mind is also seen as body. This is the kosa where all our likes, dislikes, love, hatred etc emotions are stored.
Vignanamay kosa is the one which controls and guides the manomaya kosa. This is the judge who decides what is right and wrong based on life’s experiences so that one can live a life of contentment, bliss and happiness.
Ananadamaya kosa is the subtlest body where the person is in perfect health at physical, mental, emotional, social and spiritual levels because of the total inner mastery over the functioning of each one of the other four kosas. This kosa is devoid of any form of emotions.